Kyle Poyar and Sean Fanning (OpenView): Making Sales Less Combative

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This is a podcast episode titled, Kyle Poyar and Sean Fanning (OpenView): Making Sales Less Combative . The summary for this episode is: The secret to product-led sales is realizing the customer and the vendor have the same shared goal: more usage and more success with the product. And don’t miss a description of the many wonders found in Chardon, OH and North Andover, MA.


The secret to product-led sales is realizing the customer and the vendor have the same shared goal: more usage and more success with the product. And don’t miss a description of the many wonders found in Chardon, OH and North Andover, MA.

Today's Host

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Blake Bartlett

|Partner at OpenView

Today's Guests

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Kyle Poyar

|VP, Growth at OpenView
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Sean Fanning

|Senior Director, Investment and Portfolio Analytics at OpenView