How Atlassian Built a Growth Function from the Ground Up

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This is a podcast episode titled, How Atlassian Built a Growth Function from the Ground Up. The summary for this episode is: <p>User activation is an important part of any growth function, but many startups fail to focus on this area. Shaun Clowes, former Head of Growth and Model at Atlassian and current Chief Product Officer at MetroMile, was tasked with building the growth function from the ground up for Atlassian's Jira product. He discusses the primary activation metrics they used and how those metrics shifted as the business scaled. Learn how to define you own activation metrics and how to create an onboarding flow that will keep users coming back to your product in this episode of BUILD.</p>


User activation is an important part of any growth function, but many startups fail to focus on this area. Shaun Clowes, former Head of Growth and Model at Atlassian and current Chief Product Officer at MetroMile, was tasked with building the growth function from the ground up for Atlassian's Jira product. He discusses the primary activation metrics they used and how those metrics shifted as the business scaled. Learn how to define you own activation metrics and how to create an onboarding flow that will keep users coming back to your product in this episode of BUILD.