Superhuman's Strategy for Designing a Product That People Love

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This is a podcast episode titled, Superhuman's Strategy for Designing a Product That People Love. The summary for this episode is: Rahul Vohra, Founder and CEO of Superhuman, puts his stake in the ground that game design philosophy is integral for building B2B products. Learn the differences between gamification and game design (the gap between them is huge), the scientifically-backed reason why Superhuman sometimes purposefully makes email harder, and more.
Rahul describes his path to building Superhuman
01:12 MIN
Rahul on why software should feel more like game design
00:29 MIN
Gamification is not game design
00:22 MIN
The 5 critical factors of Superhuman's game design
00:20 MIN
The billion dollar question: How do you create intrinsic motivation?
03:22 MIN


Rahul Vohra, Founder and CEO of Superhuman, puts his stake in the ground that game design philosophy is integral for building B2B products. Learn the differences between gamification and game design (the gap between them is huge), the scientifically-backed reason why Superhuman sometimes purposefully makes email harder, and more.